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Suggestions on healthy lifestyle for mental development

Many of humans are concerned about their mental power and general psychological health. This is because some habits related to daily activities are causing developmental delays in the brain. This passage will inform you about the general concept of mental improvement as well as the recommendations to keep in mind in order to own much greater brain power.

Cognitive development has always been subject to scientific discussions in various communities. As a concept, it has historically been explained by dividing out humans` overall life into sections which produce more vivid pictures describing the stages of intellectual growth . Jean Piaget is a good example of scientists whose works are still in use of several branches including psychology and education. Having determined key assumptions before carrying out experiments, he concluded upon 4 important stages and attached distinctive characteristics for each of them. When analyzing his and other scientists` thoughts around this topic, I ultimately think about the possibility of accelerating the speed of progress in brain. Charles Darwin proposed in his famous book that external settings always tend to have decisive  effect on the evolution of mankind. Definitively, humans are able to generate positive change in the speed of their intellectual expansion with specific sorts of action. But what are they?

Nutrition is one of the most promising factors resulting in escalation of mental power and mood. Food humans eat has always been said to affect overall body health; however, recent studies show us the positive relationship between food and mind. Generally, people whose diet consists of nutrients, such as omega-3, vitamin D, magnesium, folic acid, tryptophan,and B vitamins report less about the occurrence of mental diseases. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services specially recommends humans to form balanced diet based on vegetables, fruits, low-fat diary, proteins and small quantity of sodium, saturated fat or sugar. Likewise, Mediterranean diet is believed to fulfill all the requirements of healthy brain.

Any kind of physical activities holds merits in terms of stress relief, memory sharpness, better sleep quality, lower rates of depression, ADHD, and anxiety. It is proven that even exercises demanding only a limited amount of energy can make big difference in humans` mental health.

Last but not least, never forget to keep you close to academic practices. Comprehension of information, analyzing it and, subsequently, giving conclusions  enlarges the scope of our mindset. Thus, it is detrimental to be away from literature, science, politics, philosophy etc. for long time. For those who are above certain age, I suggest to learn new things or play games found out to be beneficial for visual skills.

1) Saul McLeod, Jean Piaget`s Theory of Cognitive Development, SimplyPsychology,, 2018
2) How to Improve Your Mental Health with Nutrition, thebestbrainpossible,, 2017
3) Normand Richard, Physical Activity and Mental Health, HealthyFamiliesBC,, 2016


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