The subject of matter I am going to discuss is probably mostly used concept of psychology in our daily life situations. Somehow, nearly all of us are subject to misunderstanding by others and think that this is due to the wrong interpretations of them, not us. Actually, there is something we can do in order to prevent these occurrences. However, before going deeper in this issue, let`s find out what perception and reality indicate.
Perception is recognition and clarification of information obtained with the help of sensory organs. For instance, interview panel observes behaviors of applicant and perceives that he or she is a little bit defensive and not open to negative feedback. The perceptions such as these create our own reality, but it can be far different from the actual reality. Imagine yourself as a person with full of life energy and commitment to the work you do; nevertheless, your colleagues do believe that you do not love your work and do not fully try to realize your potential.

What can be suggested to deal with these issues effectively? The answer largely lies on the science of influence. In fact, the perception of people toward us is because of behaviors we do. It can easily be inferred that if we change our behaviors in line with inner feelings, others will eventually be made to reveal what is true personality behind our external portrayal. Body language, gestures, and unique style of talking should be widely utilized while trying to allow someone not to come to wrong conclusions regarding you.
Additionally, in the popular culture, news agencies, political leaders, or other competent persuaders try to diverge our attention from actuality and authenticity to falsified inference. I recommend everyone to learn common techniques applied in the science of influence with the purpose of combating ones attempting to manipulate our thoughts.
In a nutshell, points above have discussed the provided topic from several aspects and compelling reasons taught us concepts of perceptions and reality along with the ways of turning out people`s invalid reasoning.
Nihat Hajiyev