Let`s firstly begin by defining what is Alzheimer`s. Alzheimer`s is the most common driving factor of dementia, term used to describe general memory loss and behavioral disorders, all affecting the daily lives directly. The major portion of people aware of Alzheimer`s think that it is related to the aging process. Yes, it is more or less true; however, recent cases indicate us the fact that Alzheimer can occur in people under 65, too. Moreover, regardless of the age when a person begins suffering from Alzheimer`s, this disease is worsening remarkably as the years pass on; in other words, Alzheimer`s is continuously getting more unbearable. Although medical measures have been improved a lot in the last years, there is still not any medication curing Alzheimer`s fully. Doctors are only capable of making the disease lessen its intensity. There are a variety of symptoms, such as memory loss, vision loss, difficulties while completing simple tasks, making decisions or remembering the plac...